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Ready. Set. Coach!

Build a Thriving Coaching Business Fast.


82% of coaching businesses fail within two years. Ready, Set, Coach! is your guide – based on 40 years of experience – to build a thriving coaching or consulting business.

Ready Set Coach Book

Ready. Set. Coach!

82% of coaching businesses fail within two years. Ready, Set, Coach! is your guide – based on 40 years of experience – to build a thriving coaching or consulting business.

Ready helps you discover who you are as a coach and if you are suited for consulting, coaching, or a hybrid model. Personalized activities help you build your own “Coach Canvas” with guidance to practically apply the insights.

Set teaches you essentials of messaging and marketing, client contracts and proposals, creating and pricing services, assessments, niches, attracting clients, passive income, and hiring the right assistant.

Coach! guides you through discovery calls and time management, best practices and tools for coaching, handling free service requests, managing difficult clients, and more!

Ready, Set, Coach! is the “Coach’s Bible” to refer to again and again.

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